Friday, April 15, 2011

Are they Still Updates if they are Over a Week Old?

I had to (sadly) miss the last LFWG meeting, my daughter was in rehearsals for a musical. I missed a fun writing prompt, a new person showed up, AND the theme for the month is body parts.

Angela played a piece of music by Karl Jenkins, and everyone wrote. I'm so sad I missed this. Since Angela is the only one who wanted her piece shared on the blog (YAY Angela!), here it is:

Thunderstorms. That's the problem with the Summer Solstice - you can't trust the weather. Kenaty remembered last year, just scattered showers sending the younger apprentices running for cover, but this year the lightning forked and thunder cracked, and water poured from the low, heavy, dark sky.
Only "experienced Technicians were allowed to fly, of course, in a storm. Kenaty slipped quietly close to the Senior House-Wizards and overheard their discussion - call off the races entirely? Postpone them til the morrow - but even Kenaty knew that was silly. So they decided to fly in a thunderstorm, restricting the list to experienced Technicians. And Kenaty, less than a year out from his Secondary Examination, not yet sixteen, drew his grey cloak close, covering his crisp, black curls with the hood. "Kenatis Technician," he spoke, assuming the court accents he had practiced, "of Boverim" - the opposite side of the Kingdom from his homeland. "Twelve years as Senior to Baron-mumble."
Soon after the starter's shout his carpet was already soaked, but he kept is steady, not flinching at the flashing and booming all around him...

Also this month, I opened the blog to submissions of Cinquentas, or 50 word fiction. This submission is from David (the new person I mentioned at the top of this post). He gets extra points for writing on the theme of the month!

Holding On to Tiny Hands
Abigail began to tire:  her energy depleted, the children gone.   The sun had not been seen since the firestorm.  The winter winds tore at flesh.  Daniel spurred her on.  They were down to their last bottle of water and it was almost gone…and only five finger-sized pieces of meat remained.

Here's my cinquenta.
Forgettable, but something wandered from her eyes and poked me hard in the chest. It's amazing what you will give when someone wants nothing from you at all. You can gaze back, wanting, and know that cold finger was not meant for you, but already it is far too late.

I'm still taking submissions for this month. Cinquentas only, if you please. The next meeting of LFWG is April 20th at noon. See you there!

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