"Ever read a book that's all over the bestseller charts and walk away from it unimpressed, wishing someone would've rejected it from the get-go? Or maybe you read about an author who was rejected 47 times before actually getting his or her bestseller published and think, I wonder what those rejection letters said? Well, here's your chance to have a little fun..."
Here are LFWG's responses to this prompt.
By David
Dear Ms. Crocker,
After many attempts to replicate the highly technical but rather bland works in your submission, we regret to inform you that we cannot publish your book. It made our stomachs curdle on many occasions. We found the language inaccessible and sometimes down right esoteric. The food was of the lowest caliber - peasant food, really. We wouldn't feel comfortable serving anything from your book to our dogs or cats. We hope that you will choose to stay out of the kitchen. Maybe you could take up sewing or macrame. Just promise the world you will take your red checked apron off.
By me
Dear C.S. Lewis-
Found your book about the wardrobe to be a bit over the heads of readers. What we are currently looking for is bravery stories, real boys' material, and all that sword and talking animal nonsense combines the worst of Winnie the Pooh and Snow White.
Some Editor
Dear C.S. Lewis-
I told you to cut the sisters from that book. Too much girly - family stuff. And the white witch/Edmond business is a bit racy if you ask me. Let's concentrate more on the fighting, but set it in England and more modern, please.
Your Agent
By Angela
Parsons Publishing
Dear Mr. Boccaccio:
We thank you for submitting your work The Decameron to our house. However, it does not meet our needs at this time.
The frame story is no longer the prevailing style nowadays, and a single contiguous novel is far closer to the tastes of our readers than a collection of unrelated stories. Furthermore, several of your tales seem to be critical of the Church. Our publishing house is not interested in provoking the ire of the College of Cardinals at this time.
However, we encourage you to continue writing, and possibly consider sending some of your short stories to our periodical "Sex and the Plague."
Angela Borgia, editor
By Karen
Dear Sir/Madam-
We regret to inform you that the novel you submitted Harry Porter, etc. did not fit with our publishing needs at this time. Unfortunately, we feel your work would not appeal to a wide enough audience. Since we produce mass market books, your efforts would not fit our wide spread distribution needs. For instance, would girls be interested in the story of a boy wizard? We think not. This project just wouldn't catch on or prove very popular.
In addition, fantasy books just don't sell these days. Fantasy has become out-dated.
Perhaps if you changed your focus, included a female protagonist with a dead parent and added some strong female role models you could try again.
The rest of the meeting was spent working on projects by Karen (Civil War, anyone?) and Angela (Climactic scene in her novel). David read another of his children's story books, and I brought coloring books. It was a fun a productive meeting, and I hope to see you all next time, May 18th.
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